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Analyzing Gross Collection Rate Trends: FQHC Financial Health

Written by Synergy Billing | Aug 22, 2023 11:30:00 AM

Analyzing Gross Collection Rate Trends: Key Indicators for FQHC Financial Health

One critical metric that FQHC executives should closely monitor is the Gross Collection Rate (GCR). GCR measures the percentage of charges collected from patients before accounting for any adjustments, write-offs, or contractual allowances. Understanding GCR trends and their implications can significantly impact an FQHC’s financial health and long-term sustainability. The GCR is dependent upon your board approved Fee Schedule so the exact amount cannot always be controlled but it can be a valuable insight into the value of your patient account balances.


Why Does GCR Matter for My FQHC?

When looking at GCR, we are posing the question: “What is the differential based on the current fee schedule and money we’re receiving for claims?” In essence, for every dollar we bill, how many pennies on the dollar are we receiving?

GCR vs. Net Collection Rate: Understanding the Difference

Before diving into GCR trends, it’s essential to differentiate GCR from Net Collection Rate (NCR). NCR considers the revenue collected after accounting for adjustments, contractual allowances, and bad debt write-offs. This is the measurement of effectiveness, and it is critical. In contrast, GCR excludes these factors, providing a raw and unadjusted view of revenue collection. This is useful in determining the value of your accounts receivable. 

Understanding the relationship between GCR and NCR is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of financial performance. At Synergy Billing, we use the NCR to report our effectiveness meanwhile, we use GCR to evaluate and assess FQHCs.

When calculating the GCR it is critical that FQHCs only look at paid claims. If they bundle unpaid claims into the comparison, it will skew the actual gross collection rate.  


Analyzing GCR Trends: What to Look For


Monthly and Quarterly Variations

Monitoring GCR on a monthly and quarterly basis can reveal short-term trends and fluctuations. Seasonal factors, changes in patient volumes, and billing cycles can influence GCR. Identifying patterns and variations helps FQHC executives make timely adjustments to maintain consistent revenue streams.

GCR vs. NCR Comparison

Analyzing the difference between GCR and NCR can provide critical insights into the FQHC’s financial practices. If the gap between the two rates is substantial, it may indicate potential issues with adjustments, write-offs, or billing processes that warrant further investigation.

Provider-Specific GCR

FQHCs are typically staffed by multiple healthcare providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals. Examining GCR on a provider-by-provider basis can highlight individual performance and identify areas where additional training or support may be required. Disparities between providers could indicate variations in coding accuracy, charge capture, or patient communication.

 Payer Mix Impact

The FQHC’s payer mix, including Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, and self-pay patients, can significantly affect GCR. Each payer type comes with its unique reimbursement rates, contractual allowances, and patient payment behaviors. Understanding how each payer group impacts collection rates can guide strategic decisions related to payer contracts and patient engagement efforts.

Patient Demographics and Collections

Analyzing GCR based on patient demographics, such as age, gender, or location, can provide valuable insights into collections behavior. It helps identify high-risk patient populations and informs targeted financial counseling initiatives.

Collections Cycle Time

The time it takes to collect payments for services rendered can impact GCR. A prolonged collections cycle may lead to delayed revenue recognition and cash flow challenges. Tracking collections cycle time helps identify areas where billing and follow-up processes can be streamlined.

Bad Debt Trends

Monitoring bad debt write-offs over time can give a clearer picture of the FQHC’s financial performance and the effectiveness of its collections efforts. A consistent increase in bad debt may signal issues with patient billing practices or difficulties with patient financial assistance programs.

Accounts Receivable Aging

Reviewing accounts receivable aging can identify delinquent accounts and help set priorities for collections efforts. An aging report highlights potential bottlenecks in revenue recovery and assists in devising effective strategies to address overdue accounts. To learn more about how to collect on aging receivables, check out these tips from our experts.


Estimating Collectable Accounts Receivable Using Gross Collection Rate


By understanding the relationship between GCR and accounts receivable, FQHCs can project the expected amount of revenue they are likely to collect from outstanding patient balances. Here’s how to use GCR to estimate collectible accounts receivable: 

  1. To estimate collectible accounts receivable, you first need to calculate the Gross Collection Rate. The formula for GCR is:
    GCR = (Total Payments / Total Charges) x 100 (be sue to only use the paid claims and exclude those that are still open balances)

  2. Total Payments represent the total amount collected from patients before any adjustments, write-offs, or contractual allowances. Total Charges refer to the total amount of charges for services rendered before any reductions.

  3. Subtract the GCR from 100% to get the proportion of charges that remain uncollected.

  4. Calculate the expected collectable accounts receivable by multiplying the uncollected proportion by the total charges.

Regularly monitor the actual collections against the estimated collectible accounts receivable to assess the accuracy of your estimations. If significant discrepancies arise, investigate the reasons behind the variations and adjust your estimation process accordingly.

By calculating the GCR and determining the uncollected proportion of charges, FQHCs can obtain an approximate value of the expected collectable accounts receivable. This estimation can aid in setting realistic revenue goals and optimizing collections strategies.


The Power of Improving Your GCR

Analyzing Gross Collection Rate trends is vital for FQHC executives to ensure the financial health and sustainability of their centers. By monitoring GCR regularly and understanding its nuances, FQHCs can identify potential problem areas, optimize revenue management processes, and enhance patient engagement strategies. Utilizing this key indicator as a performance metric empowers FQHCs to make informed decisions, maximize revenue streams, and continue their vital mission of providing accessible healthcare to vulnerable populations.